Directions to Stearns Scout Camp
From Interstate 94 (about 11 miles to camp)
1. Traveling from the Twin Cities:
At the Clearwater exit.
Turn left (west) on to Minnesota State Highway 24.
Traveling from St. Cloud:
At the Clearwater exit.
Turn right (west) on to Minnesota State Highway 24.
2. Turn right onto Wright County Road 40.
3. Wright County Road 40 becomes Stearns County Road 46.
3. Turn left onto Stearns County Road 44.
(County Road 44 makes a few turns; follow signs, and be careful to stay on 44)
4. Turn left into camp.
From Minnesota State Highway 55
1. Traveling from the Twin Cities:
In the City of South Haven
Turn right onto Fairhaven Avenue / Stearns County Road 7
(Might also be labeled as Pittman Ave. / County road 2)
Traveling from St. Cloud:
In the City of South Haven.
Turn left onto Fairhaven Avenue. / Stearns County Road 7
(Might also be labeled as Pittman Ave. / County road 2)
2. In the City of Fairhaven.
Turn right onto Stearns County Road 44.
3. Turn right into camp.
