1977 Camp Heritage Staff
Viking Council BSA
Duane Haponuk 1977
Laurel Johnson 1977 |
Daniel Routhe 1977-78 |
1977 Outdated Staff Members
The contact information we have on you was last updated pre-2009,
therefore it may not be current; please consider updating your address!
George Johnson 1977-78,80-84,87,89-91,93 |
Andy Wangstad 1977-78,84 | |
1977 Missing Staff Members
If you happen to know the contact information for anyone listed below;
please contact us, or update your address!
Timothy Bruhjell 1977
Susan Carrels 1977
Jefferey Evans 1977
Tom Fenlason 1977-80
Steve Hamre 1977
Greg Hruska 1977
Gregory Hughes 1977-78
Karl Janzen 1977
Michael Murnane 1977 |
Craig Niskaren 1977
Frank Peterson 1968-77
Kevin Peterson 1977
Brad Schneider 1977
Kris Schneider 1977
Michael Sharkey 1977
Mark Stullinger 1977
Harold Wick 1977
Jeff Wick 1977 | |
