1983 Camp Heritage Staff
Viking Council BSA
Italicized names indicate deceased.
Mark Corpron 1983
Gregory Hasse 1979-81,83 |
John Jones 1978-84
Octava Jones 1983 |
1983 Outdated Staff Members
The contact information we have on you was last updated pre-2009,
therefore it may not be current; please consider updating your address!
George Johnson 1977-78,80-84,87,89-91,93
Nellie Johnson 1980-81,83 |
Brad Linden 1983 | |
1983 Missing Staff Members
If you happen to know the contact information for anyone listed below;
please contact us, or update your address!
Aaron Albald 1983
Tim Baker 1983
Tony Baker 1983
Mary Beebe 1983
Eric Bohnet 1983
Bob Breitenstein 1983
Dick Bryans 1983
Mark Curtis 1983
Alan Dietrich 1983
Steve Elfelt 1980-81,83-84
Jason Engel 1983
Dave Glover 1983 |
Mike Graphensteen 1981,83
Lawrence Herron 1983
Kirk Hollinbeck 1983
David Johnston 1983
Dana Lyon 1983
Tom Metzger 1983
Mike Neeley 1983
David Nystuen 1983
Julie Olson 1983
Seth Parker 1983-85
Troy Pierson 1983
Steve Semler 1983 | |
