1987 Camp Stearns Staff
Viking Council BSA
Ken Fox 1986-88
Barry Kennedy 1985-91,93,96-99
Ryan Nedbalek 1986-87 |
Kyle Pavlik 1984-85,87-88
Jim Simones 1985-11
Jim Zeman 1982,85,87-89 |
1987 Outdated Staff Members
The contact information we have on you was last updated pre-2009,
therefore it may not be current; please consider updating your address!
Scott Eik 1986-87
George Johnson 1977-78,80-84,87,89-91,93
George Miller 1986-92 |
Tom Peterson 1987-88
Sean Pratt 1986-89
Carol Simones 1985-87 | |
1987 Missing Staff Members
If you happen to know the contact information for anyone listed below;
please contact us, or update your address!
Tim Laughlin 1985-88 |
Paul McGlynn 1986-87 | |
